Броварської міської ради Броварського району Київської області

Місто дитинства

ДЕНЦ "Камелія"

де здійснюються мрії!


Ці люди відповідають за освіту вашої дитини. Будьте впевнені, що всі вони є повністю сертифікованими, перевіреними практикою, професіоналами освітньої галузі!


Brenda has been working in urban K-12 education for over a decade. Most recently, she was the chief financial officer at Match Education, a high performing charter…


Dominic worked in east San Jose for the last ten years, teaching and leading in district and charter elementary schools. In between, he spent two years teaching integrated…

Owner/Head Teacher

Jenna is a pediatrician and an education entrepreneur. In particular, she is interested in integrating her work in health and education through designing and…


I have been principal at B.B.P.S. since 2007. Prior to that I was a teacher and deputy principal in local schools and lectured in teacher training. I am interested in…
Новий Шкільний
Currently, our Elementary School is at a pivotal moment in its history. In December 2012, current and former trustees generously funded the purchase of the townhouse at 126 East 78th Street.

These new facilities will support a robust educational learning foundation for Kindergarten through Fourth Grade. Despite the hopes of some to extend the School through high school, it will not be used for this purpose, and enrollment will remain just over 400. When the entire project is completed, we will have four on-campus spaces dedicated to physical education and athletics!
Currently, our Elementary School is at a pivotal moment in its history. In December 2012, current and former trustees generously funded the purchase of the townhouse at 126 East 78th Street.

These new facilities will support a robust educational learning foundation for Kindergarten through Fourth Grade. Despite the hopes of some to extend the School through high school, it will not be used for this purpose, and enrollment will remain just over 400. When the entire project is completed, we will have four on-campus spaces dedicated to physical education and athletics!
New School
Currently, our Elementary School is at a pivotal moment in its history. In December 2012, current and former trustees generously funded the purchase of the townhouse at 126 East 78th Street.

These new facilities will support a robust educational learning foundation for Kindergarten through Fourth Grade. Despite the hopes of some to extend the School through high school, it will not be used for this purpose, and enrollment will remain just over 400. When the entire project is completed, we will have four on-campus spaces dedicated to physical education and athletics!


Коли я вирішував, яку школу вибрати для своїх гіперактивних близнюків, спочатку я зупинився на іншому варіанті. Але як тільки я почув, як моя стара подруга розповідала мені про те, який чудовий був її досвід у ДЕНЦ Камелія, мене вразило!
Олексій Степаненко
